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times like these
:::2003-11-20:::10:54 p.m.:::

ladies and gentlemen.

boys and gouls.

i would like to announce that i, laura, just finished a roll of film that on wednesday, i spent two hours shooting. today i added an hour to that shooting time and concluded the roll....

or so i thought.

::::::::it is to be noted::::::

you see... in order to "take pictures," one must ACTUALLY LOAD TO FILM INTO THE CAMERA. it's an important part of the process... with that said, i will procede with my story.

::::::::end of note::::::::

as i noticed that the advance counter on my camera was stopped at 38 because that's how high it goes, i wondered.... hmmmm maybe something is wrong with my film advance. that would be a damn shame. i then proceded to take shots over and over and over just to see if the film thingy was moving when i advanced the film. this was the indicator that maybe i should go into my roommate's closet (mine's kinda messy right now) and open the body of the camera to check.

and that's the rest of the story.

you see... there was no film. all the images i just poured all my effort into were ghost images.

i am the biggest flake in the world. and for those of you who actually deal with me from day to day... i'm sorry.

i miss painting.