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and mommy fed exxes my savior
:::2002-02-27:::12:55 p.m.:::

this is KARen and LAURaaaa... LEAVE us a MESSaaage... beeep

ugh! slept through dinner yesterday, but made it there late after my interview which i was almost late for.

got a brand new bottle of adderall today. i feel complete. ::sigh::

I am OFFICIALLY geeky beyond all geeks.

just so all of you know.

talked to the girls today about roomie and i's top ten guys at hendrix that we wanna bang. wondering if i should post the list or not ::grin::

ya kneeeeeeeeezzzz

no for now.

is it odd that i can remember cd-key numbers? mv7m62kz7264gj8j


i think that's odd.

i'm talking to an old friend. i'm glad we're still friends. through the rumors that i don't even know are true or not. the fact that it doesn't matter. they could have been true but you don't care. the fact that you know they'll always be there to call you "squinchy". it's really great.

i owe so much to my friends. they keep me from being alone in every way. even those friends that you never talk to but when they see you at the grocery store they run up behind you and hug.

or maybe even just that guy that i've talked to online since the beginning of high school. i haven't talked to him in months. but i know that when i do, we just pick up right where we left off. no alarms and so surprises, please. (^_^)

me: byebye boobface

him: byebye fartknocker

it's jr. high moments like this that make you feel like eating choclate, spitting, and laughing at the chocolate spit.

i'm so excited about our new art building. it's soooooo big.

it gives me indigestion, i'm so excited.... ok... well.. maybe that was the ritzy chicken... and maybe i don't have indigestion at all.

i took my adderall.

i'm feeling more productive.

mom fed exed it to me.

so i used my webcam last night.

i am a geek among geeks. leme tell you.

possibly the geekiest.

but i have a paper to write.. and another one to get started on. just so i don't kill myself tomorrow.

i need to remember my voice lesson.

so we watched ghostbusters last night.

i LOVE that movie.

i forgot how wonderful bill murray is.

i'll stop. must write paper.

thanks for dinner, shadows.

your pie is still the best i've ever had, and i'll be glad to eat it again and again... we should inform matty next time though, cause he really likes your pie too... (^_^)

i'll have to stop by more often.

i miss sister.

really don't like living away from her.

don't like the idea of us both growing up and separating.

awww... pedro the lion.

in time.. memories fade..

senses numb...

one forgets how it feels...

to have loved...



is it special when you're lonely

will you spend your whole life

in a studio apartment

with a cat for a wife

the seasons when the call you

do you baracade the door

are you stubborn


stubborn to the core.

is it your way, or the highway?

then the longes winter is all on her way. you called her without knowing it. but now it's too late.

i forget how i like those boys. i should burn me a pedro mix.