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what causes an ass to be an ass?
:::2002-02-25:::3:40 a.m.:::

so art projects. ::smile:: i gotta do em'.

along with many other things.

donuts with mike. always fun. ::grumble grumble::

there are certain friends that must be given up.

let go.

you can only do so much before you realize that they really don't care about you at all, but about how you make them feel. if you're withdrawn, all of a sudden you're the bad guy and they're the victim.

what if i had a shitty week?

sure... they might have shitty weeks all the time... i'm the one to lift their spirits on many occaisions... do i ask for anything in return? not really... just that when i'm sad or upset, don't make it my fault... if you don't wanna hear me bitch, fine... walk away, but don't throw the load on me for not being that perfect little laura who's job it is to not make you mad. well instead of losing any sleep about how i feel, why don't you get angry about it? that makes perfect sense. wait... i'm glad your feelings are more valid than mine. really... i'm glad i don't live up to your expectations. i never promised to be that girl. i can only be me without being dishonest. so i'm sorry. for everything. maybe i don't deserve a friend like you. ::burp:: responsibility is a bitch. friends shouldn't have to be chores. so maybe they should just get out and not think that every time i don't talk to them i'm plotting their doom. sometimes i get so impatient when waiting for favors to be returned.

drama happens with mopey mcgees. of course i have a tendancy to exagerate.

mostly because i'm tired. i'm being emo. that's all... maybe i'm whining to look cool... maybe i'm whining because you seem to think it's the most productive thing to do in a situation that isn't even a big deal. at least i can call my friends at home even though they haven't heard from me in ages, and they still love me.

read the bible fuck you.

maybe i'm a coffee stain to more than one person. maybe i could have avoided this to begin with. maybe it will happen again.

the least i can do is smile at the people who make me happy. in the meantime, i'm shrugging at the people who wear me out. and try to take naps in between so i don't go crazy.

on that note.


i'm a happy person, really. i just need to vent sometimes.

ink painting. odd.

negative space. the white sections.

i just spaced out.

clicketty clacketty click.

computer lab.

he said hold on.

bubbley tummy.

he's back. i'm gonna talk to him now. he makes me smile.