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boys and ice cream
:::2002-03-26:::11:23 a.m.:::

so i couldn't sleep. eat me. html occupies time i should be spending on things like reading or humping my roommate.

and now i'm tired. but not really. hi.

i know for sure i'm getting a sinus infection. and i always forget i'm on instant messenger and find messages when i'm getting off my computer.

that whole "attention thing"


no you aaiiint a maaaaan until you've had a maaaan...

i always clinch my jaw when i don't get enough sleep for some reason. and i wondered why my little jaw muscles protrude the way they do.

i need to shower. callbacks are today. maybe i'll dress a little nicer than yesterday. it's hard to look nice while covering a hickey. i feel icky.

poofy eyes. stuffy ears. owie on my sinuses. it better heal damnit.

now for reading i was supposed to do earlier.

i'm feeling great desire for urination