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well stick a fork in me and call me karl marx...
:::2002-04-01:::7:35 p.m.:::

speaking of minor prophets and their prostitute wives... hehehe

so i went and saw the family this weekend...

friday night was fun... new cd at evan's... only three people recognized the POPULAR rancid songs... go figure... people and their pop culture non-recognition... it's horrible these days. if it's not prince, the kids don't like it. (note the reel big fish reference which probably no one got)(further proof)

i still managed to get my groove on. meeting some of the guys i had heard so much about was kinda cool... stories can only satasfy so much. eventually a person wants to MEET the people involved in all those late night adventures.

then somehow... i blinked for three hours. it was the longest blink i had ever experienced. so by some grace of god i woke up at 8, showered, and got ready to fly to houston. once in houston, we cleaned some of my uncle's house out. digging through my uncle's things was NOT how i had intended to spend my easter. the holidays are already weird enough without him there. now i get to listen to the family fight over who gets to take home his valuables. fun. right afterwards the aunts gave me a birthday cake and cards galore. how appropriate. i wish he were there to share my cynical optimism. ^_^ he was THE origional "jovial curmudgeon".

so i caught a ride with the wolf taxi (thanks again) back to campus less than 24 hours after i arrived in houston. sensable, huh? and it's alright that you couldn't stick around. i saw the snoopy tie and assumed you needed to be somewhere.

found some humor in saying "psssst... watch out! christ is risen!! ::looks all paranoid::"

i was asleep when he called me back. not that it's a big deal. we're friends. i still wanted to talk to him though. ::sigh:: i'm that pathetic girl.

so when i'm not celebrating my new snoopy winamp skin, or playing nethack, i'll have better days. i usually do. that's the beauty of being a cynical optimist, right?

of course.