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bermuda triangle brilliance
:::2002-09-10:::8:14 a.m.:::

i'm real bored.

i guess it's cool that i didn't really update all summer... now no one knows to come here anymore... i exhist in secrecy! it led me to a zeis theory.

when zeis gets a normal amount of sleep... she doesn't post.

well my friends, zeis did not sleep last night. instead she participated in a tedious routine of painting squares for her art class. she's past halfway done so she's a LITTLE happier than she WAS about it.

work today will be fun... i'm guessing rehearsal too. i'm gonna be soooo beat. oh well... more painting and 4 classes (8:10-400) tomorrow to look forward to. at least i like my classes...

So my dad has been trying to get ahold of me for the past two weeks and i just never bothered to pick up my phone (the dman mobile's always on silent anyways).

so after fifteen new messages build up over the week, dad finally says he's gonna call the school because he thinks something has happened to me.

so then i call him back and tell him everything he wants to hear. parents are fun. half the time i think he calls just to repeat the "clever" saying he has come up with for the day, and make sure i know how to interpret it.

for those of you who have seen "the natural"-- my dad STILL mentions the lady in white and tells me to stay away from the lady in black... he does this while comparing baseball to theatre... which sometimes makes sense

my mom's in lip reading classes!

yaye mom! i should probably still send her a script since our play is REAL weird and there's lots of screaming. we wouldn't want her hearing aids to cause implosion.

so i'm in the shower and i come up with another idea of (to me) brilliance!

remember "random ass of kindness"?

it's like one of those things.... yeah... now you get it.

so i'm in there, and i had just heard someone's kennedy impression and i all of a sudden thought to myself...

"ask not what your country can do for you, but what bermuda can do for it's triangle!" ::the crowd goes wild::

ooooh important moments in history are fun to cut, copy, and paste exactly how you want them.

boys are cool. well.. not literally... they're usually hot... and i don't mean sexually (not that frosch isn't the gesundest lookin guy fo' this zeis to gaze at) but DAMN. there's the classic girl move when cuddling at night or whenever... you're cold right? so you spoon... cuddle-spoon that is (sickos) and within minutes you're faced the other direction cuddling with a wall-NOT because that wall is more interesting than your very own bandle of joy laying next to you, but because of the extreme heat.

maaan... i never post... but look at me... this thing's fuckin' HUGE.

cause... i'm not like.. whiney posting like most of the kids here... hell.. i figure they all read each other's diaries so maybe i should babble on so they feel the urge to smile? maybe laugh? maybe not regret every single moment that they're not experiencing love with another person? don't experience romantic love... just experience love... go hug an emo kid.

then tell him to go somewhere and cry.

that's right.

cry emo boy, CRY!!!!!