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monkey fig newtons
:::2002-09-18:::12:01 p.m.:::

i got a key to my room!

i turned in my work study forms 3 weeks late!!!

i painted an ugly picture last night!

i wrote a methodology in 15 minutes!

and what do i have to show for it?

just some bags under my eyes and an overdeveloped jaw muscle. my eyes want so badly to be shut, but i'm abusive and say NEIN.

ok. just one more class (2:10-4:00 painting) and rehearsal and pere ubu... then i can sleep... or maybe even just sit down without feeling obligated to do something.

icky laura. laura with no sleep. icky... no one should ever have to know me when i don't have sleep. i'm just not a good person.

it's been a weird beginning of a week. sleeplessness and sad events. no good. so be optimistisch! ja!

i wish our art departments didn't look down on watercolor... i wanna learn how so i can be all successful and cool like my grandpa... yarg.

why am i posting. this is the world's most boring post. stop reading it. that is... if you even read this god forsaken shite. i want a nap. a nap with my prescious amphibian.


good note to end on (^_^)