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let the man go through
:::2002-09-23:::8:44 a.m.:::

i like it. it's money. i bet it will fill up quickly at the rate these kids are goin at with evan bashing. it's just what people like to do when they get bored here.... "damn... i'm bored... you know who i hate? EVAN!"

i'm tired of having a shitty day and feeling like i have to compete with people to see who's day was shittier. so i'm just gonna stop complaining. maybe others will do the same. after all... why the hell is it so trendy to have bad days? WHY??? and if someone comes up and says... man... i'm so tired... DON'T say "OH YEAH??? I GOT 1 HOUR OF SLEEP LAST NIGHT! TAKE THAT!" cause no one likes to think that someone that perky could possibly be having a day that is worse than theirs'.

same with eating... "today i had a raisin, and a peanut!" oh yeah??? "today i had allergy medicine, and a grain of salt!"

shut up. let the person bitch. try and make them feel better. don't make them think they're not as strong/ experienced as you by ranting about how your situation is worse.

Trends are so damn weird. damn.

Let the man go through.