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requiem for a week
:::2002-02-16:::4:59 a.m.:::

tonight is almost TOO horrible to describe. as a whole, it was alright because my friends love me and such... but damn.

so picture this.

the third night of the musical...

the house is as full as it's ever been.

you sing one song... but once it gets to your song... the keyboard becomes hell and this ungodly burping mutant fart see-saw noise comes out of the speakers instead... you sing alone with the drums... luckily i was only half a step flat, but i didn't expect that at all... it really wasn't so bad because i covered it... but oh my god.. the amount of stress that can be put on a person at one time... it's amazing.

so after the performance there's this party. at a friend's house. it's usually at this other friend's house, but tonight it was different.

it starts out as a cast party but soon turns into a house party... eventualy there are only five people there that i know and one has drunkenly hit me in the face and grabbed my boob. you gotta love these college parties. some of those boys are really charmers. and i get to be "that freshman" that gets groped once some guy gets drunk enough.


donuts made it better though.

i guess.

now i need to clean my room. my sister and friend will be staying here, and i think my aunt and such would like to see it without all my laundry strung everywhere.

we still had a kickass show tonight, anyway.

this is why i like being an optimist.

but i'm always the last one up, and the last one up has an online diary to talk to.