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yaye more ram!
:::2002-04-12:::5:32 a.m.:::


i remember exactly what i said on that first night... and i remember what i was thinking on that second night. i am also aware of what i've been missing ever since. i'm not going to explain myself to a diary.

so this will be my third day without sleep... oh wait... i take that back.. i took a 30 minute snoozer yesternight before sketching and studying for my contemporary europe test today. sounds eventful, hey? broom ball tomorrow!! don't really know what to do tonight... other than celebrate the birth of my darling friend, megan. i wanna call my sister. i think i may just sleep... i'm not feeling so great... maybe i'll be able to sleep tonight...

maybe if they turned on the damn air... karen is so peacefully asleep... i wanna attack her... but i'm being nice... who am i kidding... no i'm not... (grin)

hiiiiiiiiiiii karrot